- 34 Heritage
- A & P Sales / Papa Fashions
- ABroad Sales
- Agency West/Geddes Agencies Ltd.
- Alais Ventures Ltd.
- Ana Rosa Agency
- Ariat Apparel
- Ariat Footwear
- Ashton Agencies
- Authentik Trading Co.
- Axcess Agency Inc.
- Barr-None Marketing
- Blu I'd Sales by Victoria
- Blue Sky Clothing Co.
- Bona Fide Agents Inc.
- Brunette Showroom
- Cardinal Fullerton Agency
- Chotobaby Inc.
- Chris Emeno Sales
- Clarks
- Dakota Group
- Dan Kelsch Agency
- David Reid Agency
- de Pfyffer Sales
- Del Rio Agency
- DEX Clothing
- Diverse Showroom
- Dreamline Agency
- Dutch Enterprises Ltd.
- Empress Fashions
- Fanciulli Shoes & Apparel
- Feinstein Agencies Ltd.
- Ferguson Berner Agency
- Fluid Agencies
- Frank Lyman Montreal
- Frank Macdonald Marketing
- Gary Gates Sales
- Get It Enterprises
- GLP Shoes
- Good Luck Sock
- Gowler Agencies Ltd.
- Greiner Agencies Inc.
- Grimwood Agencies
- Guess Canada Corp.
- Hamilton Agency
- Happy Feet Agency
- Helen & Co.
- Horton Berner Fashion Group Ltd.
- Hull Agency
- I & K Agencies Inc.
- J. T. Cheyne Agencies Ltd.
- Jason Glass Agency
- Jeff Rosen Agency
- Jeff Swartz Agency
- Jen4 Fashion Agency
- Jennifer Reti Sales
- Jody Longman Agencies
- Joseph Ribkoff
- K.M.A. Marketing Agencies
- Kakino & Company
- Karen Schmieg
- KAS Agency
- Kelly Lucyshyn Sales
- Knapton Agencies Ltd.
- Kountry Karavan
- Les Maier Management
- Lily Wolfe Agency
- LK Collections
- Louenhide
- LS Agency
- Maison Muse Agency
- Manhattan International Concepts
- Marco Sales Ltd.
- Mary Lee Sales Agency
- Mavi Jeans Canada
- Maxam Canada
- Melanie McLean
- Michele Propp Agency
- Michelle Nikaniuk Agency
- Milk and Honey Agency
- Millenium Group West
- Move Sales Inc
- Mstydon Group Inc.
- Murray Bascom Agency
- MVK - Weslynn Collective
- NLA Agency
- OJ Mrkting
- Ordel Group Agency
- Pam Ireland Agency
- Paper Label
- Papillon
- Phil Slade Sales
- Pink Bubbles Agencies Ltd.
- Pinkerton Agency
- Platform Distribution
- Ragwear
- Rainmaker Agencies
- Randy Morris Agencies Ltd.
- RedBow Co.
- Richardson Sales
- Rick Hastings Agencies
- Rilak Revolution
- Rina Howard Agency Inc.
- Robbie Hicks Agencies
- Romaniuk Agencies
- Saint Tropez
- Schmitt Agency
- Shaken Fashion Group
- Shelley Walsh Agency
- Shout Out Agency
- Sicnarf Adventure
- Skechers
- Skout
- Southam Sales
- St Georges Int.
- Steve Madden Canada
- Susan Cooper Agency
- T.Beaucage Agency
- Temptation Italy
- Terry Schindler & Assoc | Legacy Showroom
- The Indeka Group
- Tim Griffith Agency
- Trend Marketing
- TyCo Sales Agency
- Virgaries Sales Ltd.
- Vitasport Ltd.
- Voce Enterprises
- Wardell Agencies
- Western Fashion Group (2017) Inc.
- Wimble Sales Group
- WR Fashion
- Yates and Company
- YBrands Apparel
- Zimmer Agency
Trends Agents
Below is a list of all current members of the Alberta Men’s Wear Agents Association. Click the agency name to view their profile. To search for a particular brand or agent, please use the Brands Page.
Note: Not all agencies exhibit at every show.
Saskatoon Aug 2024 Exhibitor/Brand List
Edmonton Aug 2024 Exhibitor List